To whom it may concern:
Success !?????!
These remarks are Scathing and Harsh. Do not read this if you are easily offended.
I think frightening People with reminders of how tough the Economy and Job Situations are in order to sell an Internet Home Business; is DESPICABLE.
Just explain Your Sales Pitch without all the Drama(!) but be Ethical !
Using these terror tactics to motivate Potential Internet Home Business Owners, to buy into an Internet Home Business, at a time of extreme suffering/unemployment; and then being vague about the process necessary to sell the product to Customers ( Not nessesarily Yourself ) and earn make a Profit, as Your Upline does ( you are technically in the Red Ink NOT, in the Black Ink ), is DESPICABLE.
Then, after paying a " JOINING FEE "; telling Potential Internet Home Business Owners, that they will have to pay even MORE MONEY, to operate a website ( with Advertising COSTS in the 100s to thousands of dollars a year ), ( I have had Successful Yearly Internet Advertising Budgets of $250.00 annually ); so, if all the money is still COMMING OUT of POCKET, with no noticeable CASH FLOW/PROFIT; that is also DESPICABLE !.
Then, when the Internet Home Business Predators tell you that the U S Gov. requires you to be your own customer and, that you must buy the product to participate and/or pay a monthly fee(!); that is DESPICABLE.
We are in business to sell our prooducts ! Using the Product does NOT produce Profit !
Lastly, after TAKING YOUR MONEY, they remind you; that they didn't promise you'd make ANY MONEY, in THEIR FINE PRINT ( ! ), that is DESPICABLE.
While there are no guarentees in business, You are still out the money to Start.
No Banker lends a new Business Owner a Startup Loan, unless the Borrower has proven their Potential to be succcessfull in that business, and has a decent detailed Business Plan !
Read the Legalese carefully !
If you have participated in these organizations and failed because the " Leader/Upline fails to show you how to sell the product AS SUCCESSFULLY AS THEY HAVE; yet push you to BUY THE PRODUCT MONTHLY AND/OR PAY A MONTHLY FEE, while signing up new Associates/Buyers to replicate what you are doing, with little success; well, an unnrelated bunch of disreputable charactors in Columbia do business the same way. The higher ups however, never use their product or pay monthly fees.
Disclaimer: There is only 1 organization I am currently involved with which has these practices. They know who they are, and how they operate.
Yes, it does cost money to run a Home Business ( Internet or otherwise ) however, YOU do NOT have to be a CUSTOMER or PAY a Monthly Fee, to be successfull in a Home Business, Internet or otherwise ! Do your research and due diligence !
Every Home based business is not like this. I do business with some of THE GOOD GUYS !
I have also run a successfull Internet Businesses in my career. I know it can be done ! Do NOT loose HOPE or become Discouraged.
BEWARE the PREDATORS! Do your research and due diligence before joining !
Humbly presented to you by,
Disclaimer: No Specific Internet Home Business was Named in this Opinion.
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