Thursday, April 23, 2009

What If........


Forgive me if I am long winded, or provide you with information you already have.

What IF

What IF; a group of Patriots spent eight years trying to hammer out an accord ( perhaps The Constitution of the United States of America ) which would allow their thirteen communities ( Colonies? ) to be SOVEREIGN ( having supreme rank, power, or authority,, supreme, preeminent, indisputable, a sovereign right ) within said community.

What IF; they wanted to run their own communities internally, without interference from the other communities/central government and, live together in Freedom, Peace and Mutual Prosperity?

What IF; every community that later joined enjoyed the same FRUITS and BENEFITS of that accord?

What if; their idea was to form a central meeting place, not an interfering Central Domineering Government ( Dictatorship? ), where differences between the thirteen communities could be peacefully worked out.

What IF; that Central Body ( Federal Government ) was not allowed to interfere with the internal business of the individual thirteen sovereign commmunities, per the accord?

What IF; all this happened, after a devistating War for Independence from a Monarchy, read Dictator; a civil split between those who wanted ( Patriots ) this new opportunity and those who didn't ( Torries, Monarchists/Dictators ).

What IF; you compound this with Brush Wars of personal feuds ( like the Hatfields and McCoys etc. ) and Border Wars, over Tariffs between their thirteen sovereign communities.

What IF; there was an ever present threat from established Empires, who covet the abondant recources of the thirteen sovereign communitie's land, and the populace's potential use as Subjects, read Serfs or Slaves.

What IF; the representatives of the thirteen sovereign communities, drafted and voted UNANIMOUSLY 100 percent ( NOT 51 percent or better ) for a document ( The United States Constitution for example ).

What IF; all elected officials and Government Soldiers had to take an Oath to Support and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America against all enemies Foreign and Domestic for example. By the way, They DO ! ! ! !

What IF; We survived for 200 Years, and pushed the World forward in Social, Scientific, Economic, Political, Standard of Living and Technological quantum leaps, faster than any other Civilization or Society in the written history of Man on Earth !

What IF; these Quantum Leaps were made possible by the Lack of suppressive Monarchists, Dictators, Totalitarians, War Lords etc.......................................................

What IF; some one or an finite group of someone's ( read dictators ) wanted to run the lives of the Majority by circumventing the United States Constitution, and little by little taking away our Freedoms? Ask me about Frog Soup sometime!

What IF; everyone suddenly realized that Race, Sex and any other discrimination you care to name do not change the Fact that All of Us, We the People, regardless of our differences, are All equal and Citizens of the United States of America. As Benjamin Franklin once told the Continental Congress before presenting King George of England with The Declaration of Indepenence; " We must now hang together, or We shall certainly All Hang Separately from a tree ". What the Continental Congress did was Treason to the Crown of England until They won Their FREEDOM, then They became HEROS and PATRIOTS ! You should be both !

What IF; a few Dictators wanted to USURP ( verb (used with object) to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right ) United States Sovereignty by allowing Foreign Law to be enforced USURPING United States SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY within it's Borders?

What IF; you had to Support and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America against all ENEMIES Foreign and Domestic, TODAY , would you?

What IF; We the People of the United States of America, had the same responsibility to Support and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America against all ENEMIES Foreign and Domestic TODAY ? Well by virtue of Membership in the United States of America via your Legal Citizenship and Legal Residence in your State, YOU DO HAVE THAT INESCAPABLE RESPONSIBILITY !

Be PATRIOTIC ( ! ) and Support and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America against all ENEMIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC, TODAY ! Do NOT suffer the actions of those ( DICTATORS ) who would take away your FREEDOM !

Thank You for your time and Attention,


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